CECL & CCAR Stress Testing Software Installs & Architecture for 15 midsize banks

CECL & CCAR Stress Testing Software Installs & Architecture for 15 midsize banks

Apr 24, 2024 1:14 AM
Reporting & DashboardsCECLCCARModel RunsModel ImplementationModel DevelopmentArchitecture & DesignHardware Sizing & EstimationAccess ControlsSDLCMigration & Promotion


Situation & Context

Banks needed a platform that could handle the audit controls process of production regulatory reporting execution, scenario runtime performance under tight deadlines, complex model implementations, and disclosure reporting capabilities for both CECL & CCAR.


Banks existing model development & execution platforms were not enough. They often lacked the horsepower, stability and governance needed to be able to handle the executions required. This was compounded by a general lack of clarity in the requirements (as this was a new legislation), rapid model development changes, as well as an evolving process & new teams to meet a rapidly approaching deadline.

Solution & Task

Size, design, install and upgrade net new or software extensions/overlays in a variety of client environments. All while meeting IT & info security’s strict audit and compliance requirements.


Built reference architecture diagrams documenting service calls, data flow diagrams, platform integrations and data transfer requirements. Performed extensive platform software integrations between SAS platforms, other analytics tools and enterprise resources. Performed upgrades through multiple versions by doing compatibility analysis, scoping, software upgrade steps, building runbooks and validation and test scripts. Additionally performed resiliency configuration work for data backups, DR & HA. Setup robust methods to handle model scoring parallel processing on multiple compute nodes. Created access control design documents, authentication integrations for AD & LDAP and automated on & off boarding programs. Setup PAM, LDAP & even SSO with Kerberos.


Clients had resilient, performant, stable & governed analytics platforms that could handle these critical business workloads and future growth. Translated business usage expectations into projected IT spend to allow for hardware capacity planning activities and software upgrade planning. Created clarity & visibility into access controls, SDLC processes, data flows & reference architecture that were used as controls and evidencing the software implemented complied with audit requirements.

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